The Right Kindergarten Homeschool Schedule
Making a homeschooling schedule can seem like a daunting task, especially for the first year of academic work. Kindergarteners can get easily overwhelmed with too much seated book work, which is why it’s especially important to make a good schedule that will suit your child’s attention span and energy level. You need to make a simple kindergarten homeschool schedule.
I’m going to share the simple homeschool schedule that I have used while homeschooling kindergarten. You may find that you can use it as it’s written or you might need to make tweaks to suit your family.
If you take a very different approach to homeschooling than I do, you might just find this post inspirational for creating your own kindergarten homeschooling schedule.
When creating this homeschool schedule, I followed the 7 Steps I outlined in the post above and evaluated what subjects we would cover throughout the year. We also needed to make time for meals, housekeeping, and activities outside of the house.
Our Weekly Homeschool Routine for Kindergarten

If you do want to use a similar layout to mine, you can get an editable version of the kindergarten homeschool schedule!
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This is the schedule I refer to throughout the week to see what is coming next and each morning when I put up the day’s Visual Homeschool Schedule for the kids to refer to throughout the day.
Want to know more about our curriculum choices and why we do these specific subjects? Read: Homeschooling Kindergarten | What Subjects to Teach
As you can see, we accomplish all of our academics in the first half of the day. Most Kindergarteners can only do about 30 minutes of focussed academic work before they need a break to move.
The times listed on the schedule are approximations and are only there as a guide. We sometimes shuffle things around or get really into something and take longer and other times we finish early.
Mondays are Co-Op or Field Trip Day
Ten weeks each semester we have our homeschool co-op classes on Mondays. These classes are fun and give all of us an opportunity to socialize.
Related Post: Should You Join a Homeschool Co-Op?
All the other weeks, we go somewhere fun and educational on Mondays instead!
We all look forward to it, and the boys always learn something. Learning is happening all the time. You could go to the same place every Monday and your kids would still learn something each time! They would dive deeper into subjects and the information would be meaningful.
Where We Go on Field Trip Days:
- Local STEAM hands-on museum for kids
- Zoo
- State Park
- Nature Preserve
- Great Smoky Mountain National Park (we live nearby)
- Botanical Garden
We just do this on our own and go places that are free or we have memberships for already. It’s a fun day to get out and explore the world around us!
I highly recommend that you make 1 day each week a special day for co-op or field trips. It will give you and the kids something fun to look forward to each week. Plus all the hands-on learning is so good for them!
The Regular Lessons
Tuesday through Friday on our Kindergarten Homeschool Schedule are our regular lesson days. The first half of the day looks much the same on these days. We do our morning basket time, math, and Logic of English lesson. We also alternate History & Science and Art & Music.
The kids also have a daily chore to help with and we all enjoy doing Yoga together!
Settling into this routine has been important for us. Kids thrive when they know what to expect throughout the day and they transition from one thing to another much more easily with a set schedule.
Related Posts:
- Visual Homeschool Schedule | Plus FREE Printable
- Homeschool Schedule | 5 Reasons Why You Need One
- 7 Simple Steps to Create a Personalized Homeschool Schedule
Add Magic to Your Kindergarten Routine
Some days there is something special, delightful and fun scheduled for the kids to do. Other days are left for spontaneity in the afternoons!
- Mondays we go to co-op or take field trips.
- Tuesdays we go to Lego Club.
- Thursdays we do Poetry Teatime.
- Fridays we go to the Library and do the STEAM Kids class there.
My boys LOVE all of these activities.
Related Post: 5 Secrets to Creating a Magical Homeschool
Weekly Library Trip
The library is a vital resource for homeschoolers! We all enjoy going, getting the books we’ve reserved for planned lessons, and letting the boys pick out books that look interesting to them. The library is such a wonderful place. Can you tell we really love books?!
Plus our library has so many amazing kids programs, we often end up going more than once a week!
Follow these 7 Tips to get the most out of your library membership!
Free Play
In Kindergarten free play is so important. Make sure you give your kids ample time to play. Let them play with toys inside, take them outside in the yard to play, visit local parks, meet up with friends or family. Make play a priority!
Include blocks of time for free play on your kindergarten homeschool schedule. This way you ensure that your kids actually get that time and you don’t fill it with other things.
I don’t have scheduled technology or screen time. But that’s not because we don’t use them. We do use them, pretty much every day! My boys each have a Kids Kindle Fire. I chose quality games and educational apps that they can play on them.
If we are inside at home in the afternoons, we also let them watch TV if they want to. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. It’s not something we stress over!
Make Your Simple Kindergarten Homeschool Schedule
Now that you’ve seen how we do things, go make your own kindergarten homeschool schedule!
Remember, you don’t have to plan every minute, but you should have a good idea of the main things that you’ll do each day. Include both regular lessons and magical learning opportunities. Make play a priority, and include any regular field trips, co-ops, activities, or sports!
And don’t forget to get the free Visual Homeschool Schedule so that your kindergartener can see what to expect throughout the day!
Related Posts:
- Must Teach Subjects in Kindergarten
- 10 Best Board Games for Kindergarteners
- 5 Lessons Learned Homeschooling Kindergarten
These are all the elements you need for your simple kindergarten homeschool schedule!
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